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Ledfoot – Coffin Nails

Ledfoot – Coffin Nails

Format: CD – Vinyl LP – Digital
Label: PIAS
Release: 2023

“Coffin Nails” is inmiddels het zesde solo-album van de Amerikaanse (ex-The Rockats en The Havalinas) gitarist/singersongwriter Tim Scott McConnell onder de naam Ledfoot en werd ook dit keer weer in Ronni Le Tekro’s Studio Nyhagen opgenomen.

Het album bevat 10 nieuwe songs en zijn ‘in the spirit of the old blues tradition, all full-on analogue direct to tape recordings’; “This album was recorded and mixed in two days – live – no bullshit here – straight to tape – no edits, no punching in – just me – spitting my soul in the most naked and real setting possible”.

01. Perdition
02. Coffin Nails
03. I´ve Never Been
04. Better Than Bad
05. The Day I Died
06. House of Restitution
07. Escape
08. Runnin’ till I’m Done
09. Look What I’ve Done to Me
10. How I End My Day

Website: https://www.ledfoot.net/

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