Produced by Bob Corritore, Clarke Rigsby, and Kid Andersen. With Billy Flynn, Jimi “Primetime” Smith, Kid Andersen, Bob Welsh, Ben Levin, Kedar Roy, Troy Sandow, Mike Hightower, June Core, and Brian Fahey.s producer Ori Naftaly on guitar and Grammy nominee Victor Wainwright on keys.
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"... a record that is so Chicago it sounds like it was recorded last week in the back of the Mocombo Lounge for Aristocrat. With loads of modern Chicago cats on board that can play in the tradition without being slaves to it, you can’t go wrong if you’re looking for something that sounds like the real deal with a pedigree that proves as much. You’ll feel the sweat when you give this a spin." |
Blues harmonica ace BOB CORRITORE teams up with frequent musical partner, acclaimed blues guitarist/vocalist (formerly with Muddy Waters, Magic Slim and Junior Wells) JOHN PRIMER for THE GYPSY WOMAN TOLD ME, the follow up to the highly successful recent VizzTone releases by Bob Corritore and Friends, DON’T LET THE DEVIL RIDE and DO THE HIP SHAKE, BABY! Here is that rare album that’s fully connected to the core of Chicago Blues. Both John Primer and Bob Corritore are experienced veterans of the genre, fluent in its sacred, expressive vocabulary. With a team of A-list players, Primer and Corritore fulfill and expand their branded presentation of Chicago blues on THE GYPSY WOMAN TOLD ME, their third collaborative effort. Produced by Bob Corritore, Clarke Rigsby, and Kid Andersen. With Billy Flynn, Jimi “Primetime” Smith, Kid Andersen, Bob Welsh, Ben Levin, Kedar Roy, Troy Sandow, Mike Hightower, June Core, and Brian Fahey.
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