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News: Live recordings The BluesBones!

Live recordings The BluesBones!

On the 9th of november we did the recordings for a new Live album of The BluesBones! Above you can find a video!

Stef Paglia

THE STORY BEHIND 'Mystery Heaven'
Mystery Heaven is a special song. It´s written for the person that brought me into contact with the blues music. For the person who supported me and watched me grow to a young adult. My dad passed away 5 years ago, out of nowhere he left us. He is the one that gave me the bluesfever and the love for the guitar. I will never let go and never forget.
This one is for you dad!

Upcoming gigs
Stef Paglia Trio
30th November Blues in Wijk
Wijk Bij Duurstede (NL)

7th December Big D Bookings Juke Joint event
BackstageGitan Diest (BE)

Stef Paglia SPECIAL 
14th December Flirting With The Blues
​Amersfoort (NL)
4G Session with
Kid Ramos (USA)
Paul Nelson (USA)
Scott Sharrard (USA)
​Stef Paglia

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