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Release: Josh Gray - Walk Alone


Coming up very fast.....Depending to our distributors' release schedue WALK ALONE will become available in stores between early September and late October. But whatever the timing may be in your neck of the woods: this follow up to Songs From The Highway will be well worth the wait.
It is just as gritty, powerful, moving or whatever you are looking for in Americana or Singer Songwriter releases as its much lauded predecessor.

 What Josh thinks about himself, his music and his career:

Though born in San Francisco, Nashville Americana singer-songwriter Josh Gray grew up thousands of miles away in Maryland. He got his first guitar at age 16 but didn’t play his first live show until 15 years later. When asked what took so long, he simply says, “I wasn’t ready.”

This theme of taking the time to get things right becomes apparent when you hear his music. His thoughtful and often poetic lyrics stick with you long after the songs end. Josh Gray’s sound is a mixture of the folk, blues, country, rock, and bluegrass that first inspired him to pick up a guitar. He’s a storyteller, protest singer, and poet, bridging both generations and genres to form his signature style of Americana songwriting.

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