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Dean Owens - EL TIRADITO

Dean Owens - EL TIRADITO

(The story of the The Sinner's Shrine)

FRIDAY May 12, the story will be revealed musically. Dean Owens will release the follow up to-  or if you wish: the rest of the story of - THE SINNER'S SHRINE. A beautifully packaged double album is made up of tracks that were released on his Desert Trilogy, a collection of never released instrumentals and hi quality demo's.

It will shine Dean's light on EL TIRADITO - the sinner's shrine in Tucson, Arizona that reminds us of the dramatic and tragic adulterous life of farm hand Juan Oliveras.  El Tiradito (the shrine to the sinner - Juan) now stands in a quiet spot in Barrio Viejo in Tucson. Many visitors come to the shrine to light candles and make wishes. They often leave messages, gifts and photos of loved ones who have passed. And it is said that if you light a candle at the shrine and it remains burning all night long without going out by sunrise, your wish may be granted.
Well..... for many of us, our wish for more desert sounds from the man from Leith and his Calexico friends is certainly granted with the release of this double album. With one vocal and an all instrumental disc a whole new dimension is added to an intruiging and passionate story.

First single She Was a Raven with the instrumental Weeping Skulls as second track  will be available on digital platforms. You can listen here:

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