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"With the release of Cut My Spirit Loose, Big Harp George serves notice that he is one of our best chromatic harmonica players, a compelling vocalist, and a highly original songwriter, who is making his own unique and relevant contribution to the blues. Not many bluesmen are so convincing across so many different styles - Dixieland, blues, swing, New Orleans funk, even an inspired Beatles cover.

Cut My Spirit Loose is also a sonic gem, thanks to the brilliant engineering of Kid Andersen, the soulful prowess of an all-star cast of supporting musicians, and the band’s masterful arrangements.” Kim Field, The Blues Dream of Billy Boy Arnold

 San Francisco blues singer, songwriter and chromatic harmonica player Big Harp George/George Bisharat gathered together a cast of all-star players, including guitarist Kid Andersen, Joe Kyle Jr. on bass, drummers June Core and Derrick D’Mar Martin, and Chris Burns on keys, with a bevy of horn players and vocalists along with the Sons of the Soul Revivers (James, Dwayne, and Walter Morgan). The thirteensong collection covers the gamut of blues and jazz styles while addressing timely issues of the day via street-smart lyrics and irreverent wit, resulting in something akin to a modern day “Tin Pan Alley” production from the Bay Area. 

 The 2014 Blues Music Award “Best New Artist” nominee opens the album with his humorous take on the trials and tribulations of the Covid lockdown on the raucous “It’s Tuesday.” The duet “Pile Driving Sam,” follows as George details the exploits of the heroic figure over boogie-woogie piano from Burns. The easy swinging ragtime “Give Me The Dark” turns the notion of “life is better on the sunny side” on its head. George and his big blues harp then join a French Quarter Brass band for the second line parade march, “Bustin’ Out,” a real Mardi Gras party. Lennon and McCartney would be pleased with the transformation of the 1964 deep cut “She’s A Woman,” into a sizzling Latin boogaloo. Lulu Bisharat makes an awardwinning cameo during the jump blues “My Dog Is Better Than You,” nearly upstaging Andersen’s hot guitar solo. George loves his canine companion so much he penned a second number in her honor - the cake walk styled instrumental number “Jump Abu Lula!”  

 George laments his hard luck and trouble with tongue firmly in cheek during “Prince Of Downward

Mobility,” and delivers a salty rebuke to a conspiracy spreader on “Ranty Town.” Bump and grind blues

“Behind The Eight Ball,” lays out the life and times of a true bluesman. The Delta blues work song “Take A Knee,” tackles the hypocrisy running rampant in our popular culture with the Soul Revivers punctuating each talking point. The smooth rambling instrumental “Sunrise Stroll,” demonstrates George’s mastery of the chromatic harmonica and gives Michael Peloquin on tenor sax, Mike Rinta on trombone and Andersen on lead guitar a moment to shine as well. The expansive narrative “Captain Jack” recounts the tragedy of Kintpuash, aka Cpt. Jack the chief of the Modoc people, paying tribute to the fallen warrior in theatrical flair. 

 Big Harp George and his crew met the challenges of the pandemic head on and this fine album, Cut My Spirit Loose, serves as a testament to their teamwork and resilience. Rick J Bowen

Radio Single: 1. It’s Tuesday 

Additional recommended tracks: 2. Pile Driving Sam, 13. Captain Jack 


OS: www.bigharpgeorge.com

FB: www.facebook.com/bigharpgeorge

IG: www.instagram.com/bigharpgeorge 

More Info: Betsie Brown, Blind Raccoon, betsie@blindraccoon.com

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