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LA Native Sophia Marie Debut EP

LA Native Sophia Marie Turns Real Life Cross-Country Experiences Into Songs on Debut EP 'Foreigner'” - Out This Friday, March 11; International Politics Undergrad at Georgetown University Tells Personal Tales Of Feeling Out Of Place In New Environments Domestically and Abroad, Going On Dates with DC Narcissists, Falling In Love with Foreigners, 

Sophia Marie’s debut album “Foreigner” deals with feelings of being a foreigner both domestically and abroad. It draws most heavily upon her own personal relocation from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C. to study International Politics at Georgetown University, with the empowering anthem “Venice Beach to D.C.” calling on her to channel her inner Elle Woods– West Coast roots and all–and thrive in this new competitive, pre-professional environment Back East.

 The second track “Narcissist” sees her venture into the uniquely-D.C. dating scene with young JFK-wannabe businessmen types who can’t stop bragging about their Capitol Hill internships, career networks, or, even, shockingly!, their 6th-grade MUN accolades.

The third and final track, “Foreigner,” follows her as she continuously (and helplessly) falls head over heels for men with foreign accents and languages until realizing just because a man is from a different country, it doesn’t mean you should be obsessed with him. The theme of “Foreigner” is one of an outsider who struggles but ultimately succeeds in making her mark in a new environment, with all the romanticism but also hilarious mockery that comes with it.

Sophia Marie is currently one of the main artists represented by Georgetown University's student record label Prospect Records. She will be performing at Bull Dog Alley on Georgetown's campus on March 18th for the launch of her debut EP "Foreigner" and will continue to perform at open-mics and venues.

She is currently shooting the music video for her debut single "Venice Beach to D.C." with a fellow Georgetown student videographer under Prospect Records and is looking to release it before the end of the month. Following her EP, these next few months, Sophia Marie is excited to release more singles that she recorded in Ireland during her study abroad at Trinity College Dublin this past fall semester.

Singer and songwriter Sophia Marie George is a Los Angeles native and junior in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. Harboring various passions, she finds herself oscillating (sometimes rather chaotically) between many different realms: her major in International Politics, her authorship of creative works, and her love for acting in addition to her music.

Sophia often feels like an ambitious, lust-for-life, nomadic kind of girl without a particular direction, one who doesn’t know exactly what she wants to do or who she wants to be or where she wants to end up, and her storytelling reflects that indecisiveness, that impulsiveness, that desire to do everything while she’s young. Drawing from her identity as a self-proclaimed “hopeless romantic,” Sophia has a penchant for romanticizing historical figures and events, contemporary lovers, and foreign cities, weaving in the story of her West Coast roots in sunny Los Angeles, her university life in the political and cosmopolitan mecca that is Washington D.C., and her role as an expatriate in foreign cities.

For more information, please contact Mike@earshotmedia.com.

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