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Bluesworld: JPK BAND 02 November Hedon Zwolle



  • Datum
  • Aanvang
  • Zaal open
  • PrijsGratis
  • LocatieGrote Zaal
  • StatusGewijzigd

Elke 1e dinsdag van de maand is er een nieuwe uitzending van Bluesworld Café live vanuit Hedon. Het programma wordt live uitgezonden vanuit de Grote Zaal van Hedon. Om 20.00 starten we met een kort interview en aansluitend is er een toffe liveband, deze maand staat JPK Band op het podium. Publiek is van harte welkom maar in verband met de huidige regels rondom het Coronavirus is er een beperkte capaciteit van maximaal dertig gratis te bestellen tickets.


In the year 2000, Jan Pieter Kuijten put together his own band. A formation of three they play strong Rhythm & Blues and raunchy Rock music. Pretty fast they conquered many bars and festivals and became famous with their original work.In May 2002, their first album CD "Knife and Gun" was released with 8 of their own JPK songs. So far, more than 40 of their own songs have been written.Their music has been described as a hurricane that unexpectedly sweeps over you and afterwards, leaves you with a feeling of satisfaction and contentment. During their enthusiastic and energetic live performances, they never fail to connect with the audience, pull them into what invariably ends up as one big party.With bass player Rinus de Lang and drummer Jan Keuter, Jan Pieter has put together a unique bluesrock trio with an unmistakable sound of their own, performing live music full of drive and passion. As well as playing primarily their own work they also play their own interpretation of hits from other famous artists such as Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Roy Buchanan, Ten Years After, Johnny Winter, Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, etc giving them their own JPK flavour.

JPK Band

Jan Pieter Kuijten - Vocals/Guitar

Rinus de Lang - Bass

Jan Keuter - Drums

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