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Nieuwe single-video 'Kiss My Past Goodbye' van Blues Pills (SWE)

Nieuwe catchy-as-fuck single-video 'Kiss My Past Goodbye' van Blues Pills (SWE) online

Blues Pills
Elin Larsson | zang
Zack Anderson | gitaar
André Kvarnström | drums
Kristoffer Schander | bas

De Zweedse vierkoppige rockband Blues Pills (SWE) heeft zojuist de nieuwe catchy-as-fuck single-video 'Kiss My Past Goodbye' online gezet, afkomstig van het nieuwe studio album 'Holy Moly!' dat op vrijdag 21-8-2020 via Nuclear Blast Records wordt uitgebracht.

Gitarist Zack Anderson: "'Kiss My Past Goodbye' is a song full of raw power, funky riffs, and wild drumming.  It's a clear message about moving on, staying true to yourself, and not dwelling on your past."

 'Holy Moly' (releasedatum: vrijdag 21-8-2020 via Nuclear Blast Records)
The album will be available on CD, 2CD, a number of different vinyl variants and as a special LP-Boxset.

If you were blazed by the heaviness of their first self titled album, and tripped to the psychedelic soul of "Lady In Gold" (#1 Germany) you won't be immune to the effects of this third dose of the pills. "Holy Moly!" was written, produced and recorded in BLUES PILLS' own analogue studio which they built in the beautiful countryside of Närke, Sweden. In the old factory building, where the studio is located Zack, Elin and André spent almost a year recording and writing songs.

The album is recorded by Blues Pills guitarist Zack, although with some helping hands along the way from THE HIVES members Nicolaus Arson and Johan Gustafsson, as well as Martin Jacobsson from Rovljud Sound. "Holy Moly!" is self- produced by BLUES PILLS and mixed by the Grammy award winning Andrew Scheps (Red Hot Chili Peppers, Iggy Pop, Adele, Black Sabbath, Rival Sons, Hozier). The album illustration ”Beast” is by the artist Daria Hlazatova.

Pre-order 'Holy Moly!' here. 


voor meer info: ahpromotion.nl

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