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Release: Jesse Dayton - GULF COAST SESSIONS


Release Date :  July 24, 2020
Format :  CD / LP / Digital
Blue Élan Records

In his own words: Jesse Dayton on the Gulf Coast Sessions EP
“The Gulf Coast Sessions was inspired by that Interstate 10 area from Beaumont to New Orleans, where I was raised and where the old music was still going strong in the 70s when I was a kid. East Texas African-American blues and gospel was everywhere,
with lots of revival church music on the radio. Some of the honky tonks and juke joints that had opened long before, during the Lucas Gusher and the Spindletop Oil Rush, were still in full swing with live bands nightly. We had 24 hour south Louisiana zydeco and Cajun radio with DJs speaking broken French. We had the migrant workers cranking up Mexican balladeers who were out-singing everyone on the radio. I remember seeing the Winter Brothers, (Johnny and Edgar), at the Dairy Queen and feeling like they had left behind the small town fear of the Holy Ghost and gone global with the Devil’s music. I thought about all of these scenarios while we were making this raw little stripped down record.

Intro House Party
Lo-Fi Lover
Beaumonster Boogie
Carencro Girl
Mardi Gras Shake
Feelins and Business
House Party 2340 Dauphine
Outro House Party

This EP was recorded on the back porch of Clay Connell’s old house-turned-vintage-shop Roadhouse Rags in South Austin with zero budget just for kicks. Since I ended up playing guitars, bass, drums and piano on it, (everything except for Beth Christman on fiddle and Bradley Jaye on accordion), Clay and I we’re basically goofing off trying to create these imaginary fictional characters in “the band.” The “Beaumonster” was our character’s name for our blues shouter singer-guitar-man.
The joke was “Peanut was the only drummer we could get for the session” because of my overtly simple drum parts. Anyway, we went for the Excello label vibe with our own spin adn I wrote all the songs on the spot as we recorded them. It’s a different kind of record for me and we hope y’all dig it in the greasy good timin’ spirit it’s intended.”

BLUE ÉLAN RECORDS | http://www.jessedayton.com/

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