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🕮 Boek/Book: Tim Akkerman - Van onhandelbare driftkikker tot muzikant in balans

Eerste 10 namen voor 45e editie van Sjock (BE)

Sjock (BE) kondigt eerste 10 namen aan voor 45e editie in juli 2020:
Social DistortionThe BlastersPhil Campbell & The Bastard Sons Plays MotĂśrheadThe SadiesSlacktoneUncle Bard And The Dirty BastardsNeighborhood BratsVandoliersArsen RouletteThe Ragtime Rumours
-Early Birds uitverkocht!; reguliere tickets zsm beschikbaar-
Sjock: your rock & roll highlight of the year
-10, 11 en 12 juli 2020 Poeyelhei Gierle (BE)-
Op 10, 11 en 12 juli 2020 vieren liefhebbers van punk- en garagerock; rockabilly; surf; rock-‘n‘-roll en van aanverwante muzikale genres weer hun jaarlijkse hoogmis. Dat weekend vindt namelijk de 45e editie van Europa’s meest authentieke, sfeervolle en sympathieke festival plaats op Poeyelhei Gierle nabij Turnhout: Sjock, het best bewaarde geheim van alle Benelux festivals.

Vandaag maakt de organisatie de eerste reeks bevestigde namen bekend: Social Distortion (USA), The Blasters (USA), Phil Campbell And The Bastard Sons Plays MotĂśrhead (UK), The Sadies (CAN), Slacktone (USA), Uncle Bard and the Dirty Bastards (NL), Neighborhood Brats (USA), Vandoliers (USA), Arsen Roulette (USA), The Ragtime Rumours (NL).

Meer informatie over deze acts vindt u in de bij deze mail bijgevoegde bio’s.
De line-up tot nu toe staat op de site. Meer namen voor de drie podia van Sjock (te weten Main StageTitty Twister en Bang Bang Stage) worden komende tijd bekendgemaakt.
Sjock 2017-2019
De laatste drie edities verkocht Sjock uit. Duizenden bezoekers uit heel Europa trokken naar het zonovergoten Belgische rock-‘n-roll-Mekka in Gierle om te watertanden bij onder meer (in 2017:) The Hellacopters; Bad Religion, The Living End, Nashville Pussy, Zeke, New Bomb Turks, Rocket From The Crypt; (in 2018:) MC50, Descendents (US), Pennywise (US), Dead Kennedys (US), Turbonegro (NO), The Mummies (US), The Bronx (US), Dwarves (US); (dit jaar:) The Hives (SWE), Flogging Molly (US), The Hellacopters (SWE), Gluecifer (NOR), CJ Ramone (USA), King Khan and the Shrines (DE), The Rumjacks (AUS).
Sjock: drie dagen, drie podia en lage bierprijzen

Sjock, het oudste nog bestaande alternatieve ĂŠn onafhankelijke festival van BelgiĂŤ viert komend jaar zijn 44e verjaardag en is al sinds jaar en dag een initiatief van de vrijwilligers van Jeugdhuis ’t Hoekske in Gierle. Het is de oervader van festivals als Groezrock, Jera On Air, Speedfest en ScumBash. In al die jaren tijd is het evenement uitgegroeid tot een uniek festival, waar Rock met de grote R centraal staat. Sjock scheidt zich af van de mainstream-waanzin en kiest bewust voor rock-‘n ‘-roll in de originele betekenis van het begrip.

Website & Facebook
Website: www.sjock.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sjockfestival
Twitter: www.twitter.com/sjockfest

Over the past 30 years, SOCIAL DISTORTION (USA) have all but trademarked their sound, a brand of hard rockabilly/punk that's cut with the melodic, road-tested lyrics of frontman Mike Ness. Their searing guitars and a locomotive rhythm section sound as alive today as they did in '82, as do Ness' hard-luck tales of love, loss and lessons learned. Now in their fourth decade, Ness and Social Distortion have officially done one of the most non-punk things possible: They've failed to burn out and will play Sjock in 2020.
THE BLASTERS (USA) exemplify the best traditions of American Music, performing with passion and honesty that for over three decades has won the hearts and souls of fans worldwide. Fronted by Phil Alvin’s powerful vocals, the band follows through with spontaneity, power and grit that make their live performances into experiences not to be missed.
PHIL CAMPBELL AND THE BASTARD SONS PLAYS MOTÖRHEAD (UK). In 2020 it will be 5 years since the legendary Lemmy passed away and therefor long-time MotĂśrhead guitarist PHIL CAMPELL thought it was about time playing a full MotĂśrhead set again, this time with THE BASTARD SONS! Phil Campbell & The Bastard Sons features Campbell alongside his three sons Todd (guitar), Dane (drums), Tyla (bass) and is complemented by vocalist Neil Starr.

One of the most accomplished bands ever to emerge from the North American indie and roots rock scene are THE SADIES. They’ve crafted a distinctive sound, absorbing influences from traditional country, surf music, and garage rock, and bending it into something unique with their estimable instrumental skills. The Sadies are one of Canada’s greatest living rock bands!
SLACKTONE (US) formed in 1995 with members of Jon and the Nightriders and Dick Dale, the Instrumental surf rock super group Slacktone is widely recognized as America's best surf instrumental band. This splendidly tight, high-energy trio is the surf band that other surf bands listen to for inspiration.
Based in the north of Italy and made up of lads who, in one way or another, lived or spent too much time in Ireland, Celtic punk band UNCLE BARD & THE DIRTY BASTARDS (IT) play fantastic celtic punk but spice it up with traditional Irish music! Uilleann pipes, tenor banjo, mandolin and the Irish flute - there are a few others bands in the folk / rock scene that could compete with the Bastards, but there is only one Uncle Bard!
NEIGHBORHOOD BRATS (US). Jenny Angelillo, lead singer of this California punk rock band, flies from one end of the stage to the other, wild-eyed and manic, barking out lyrics like she’s spraying graffiti on the wall of sound being produced by the band behind her. Close your eyes and fly back to the early 80’s when bands like Black Flag, Circle Jerks and T.S.O.L. ruled the punkrock world!
VANDOLIERS (USA).This rowdy Texas based alt country band plays honky tonk with a punk and roll stomp. Joshua Fleming’s whiskeyfied voice turns this six piece band to higher levels, you can expect the feeling of a endless summer with a troublemaker rolling his cigarettes in the rain. Don’t miss this spectacular live show, it’s twang and tattoos, grit and guitars, honky tonk and horns, Tejano and Telecasters.
ARSEN ROULETTE (USA) from Fresno, California is hot, very hot: it‘s likely he will put our Titty Twister stage upside down and set your boppin’ shoes on fire! Arsen is not the calm kind. This is definitely not rockabilly for softies! He will wake you up like a hundred cups of coffee bursting directly into your heart and head! Be prepared because you won’t find any rest before his show is over!

Since early days busking, grafting and playing any dive-bar and hell-hole that would have them, THE RAGTIME RUMOURS (NL) have risen above the pack and even won last year’s European Blues challenge in Norway! Expect an energizing mix of old-skool ragtime, gypsyjazz and roots / blues, played with a rock ‘n roll attitude. Let the ragtimes roll!

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