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Front Cover Royal Trux
(Fat Possum)
Release date: Friday, March 1st 2019

Nadat ze na 14 jaar weer bij elkaar waren gekomen voor een reeks live shows in 2015, heeft cultband Royal Trux nieuw materiaal onthuld om het eerste nieuwe album van het duo in 18 jaar aan te kondigen.
"Nothing has changed within the Truxian universe we created for ourselves as teenagers; because Trux is and will always be our way of life whether living it together or separate," zegt zangeres Jennifer Herrema. "This is no hobby rock kick. We are long game lifers with no fear, no regrets and plenty of gratitude for the way the universe has rewarded our singular dynamic." Herrema gaat verder: "This next chapter is just another perfectly aligned bit of kismet. No concerted effort to force anything forward or to create something with an eye on the past. Only an awareness that the present had come calling with a gift to assist the future future of Royal Trux."

Q (4/5): “Trux life feels more brilliantly warped than ever”
MOJO (4/5): "The veterans of disorder return in excellent shape"
Uncut (8/10): "Royal Trux remain unique, one of a kind; still going wrong like a hydrogen bomb"
Classic Rock (8/10): “Christ, this could be their best album”

For more information: www.bertus.com

Royal Trux is an American alternative rock band active from 1987 to 2001, and which reunited in 2015. It was founded by Neil Hagerty (vocals, guitar) and Jennifer Herrema (vocals).