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🕮 Boek/Book: Tim Akkerman - Van onhandelbare driftkikker tot muzikant in balans

Release: Harriet Brown - Mall of Fortune 2019

Harriet-Brown-Mall-of-FortuneHarriet Brown - Mall of Fortune
Release date: Friday, February 1st 2019

(Innovative Leisure)
Sultry r&b solo artist Harriet Brown is back with a new batch of fully-realized future funk, a slow-burning dispatch from a dayglo dance floor. The Los Angeles by-way-of-the Bay artist honed his musical chops in church, the birthplace of so many soulful sirens
His first project, New Era EP came out in 2014, setting off a firestorm of critical and fan adulation. Who was this bowl cut rocking, falsetto dropping, shiny suit man? He followed up with a bombastic debut album, Contact, an expertly crafted, extraterrestrial soul rumination on the ways we fail to connect, restart, and try again. It was also a transitional album. Made between the Bay and LA, it’s about the electricity of new connections, the distance of old friends. Mall of Fortune is his second full-length album, an airtight meditation on anxiety, paranoia and indecisiveness – decision paralysis and the free-flowing guilt that follows. The bowl cut is gone, but the shine is intact.

  • Tracklist:

1.    Window Shopping
     2.    Retail Therapy
     3.    Shower Up, Saddle Up
     4.    Outerworld (feat. Felicia Douglass)
 5.    Method
     6.    Cinnamon Sky
     7.    Holy Place (Shinin')
 8.    When You Call My Name (feat. Ana Roxanne)
     9.    Driver's Seat
    10.    Hardwalkin'
 11.    Bag Away
     12.    Paper
     13.    Man
 14.    Take Your Time With Me
For more information: www.bertus.com