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Blues Magazine Radio 116 – Non-Stop Mix, full with new blues music !

Blues Magazine Radio 116 – Non-Stop Mix, full with new blues music !

Featured Album: DeWolff – “Thrust” (2018)

Also in this mix new songs and releases from: Waylon, Rory Gallagher, Lance Lopez, Hamish Anderson, Too Slim & The Taildraggers, Dany Franchi, Buffalo Tom, Ally Venable Band, Ashley Cleveland, Bill Wyman’s Rhythm Kings, Jonn Del Toro Richardson, The Paul Butterfield Blues Band, Robert Jon & The Wreck, Jerry Douglas, Cotton Belly’s, Nick Moss & The Flip Tops. 

Samenstelling: Harry Radstake for bluesmagazine.nl  Check this mix tracklist.

01WaylonOutlaw In ‘EmThe World Can Wait (2018)WM Benelux0:00
02Rory GallagherShould`ve Learnt My LessonDeuce (1971Polydor03:51
03Lance LopezBack On The HighwayTell The Truth (2018)Provogue07:24
04Hamish AndersonTroubleTrouble (2018)Hamish Anderson11:57
05DeWolffDeceit & WooThrust (2018)Mascot Label Group16:02
06DeWolffOutta Step & Ill At EaseThrust (2018)Mascot Label Group20:53