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8 Ball Aitken: Nightbird

8 Ball Aitken Ik ben superenthousiast om mijn eerste nieuwe muziek in meer dan een jaar te delen. 'Nightbird' is een duet-samenwerking opgenomen met mijn soulzangeres Taya Chani uit Sydney. Het is nu beschikbaar op alle streamingdiensten. 

Spotify:  https://open.spotify. com/track/ 1XNz4lFCtx5YjP9ixblEwi?si= 8f7f8d5049b74c17 

Apple Music:  https://music.apple.com/us/ album/nightbird-single/ 1794015213

LYRICS: You belong above the mountains Where your soul can do it’s dreaming Someplace so close to heaven You can hear the angels singing Nightbird, nightbird Singing a lonely lullaby Nightbird, nightbird Peaceful in a dreamy sky Spread your feathers across the ocean Carrying a four-leaf clover You were born with wings for freedom From the chains that used to hold you Nightbird, nightbird Singing a lonely lullaby Nightbird, nightbird Peaceful in a dreamy sky The past is just a fading shadow Below the clouds of fear and doubt You have weathered your last storm Nothing more can get you down Nightbird, nightbird Singing a lonely lullaby Nightbird, nightbird Peaceful in a dreamy sky Peaceful in a dreamy sky Peaceful in a dreamy sky

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