Gestart eind 2020 als ‘full Belgian’ Travellin’ Blue Kings, kent de band een belangrijke update in het najaar 2023. Resultaat, een indrukwekkende stamboom en stevige adelbrieven: Blues Lee, Last Call, The Electric Kings, The Scabs, Hideaway, Howlin’ Bill, … just to name a few.
Het in 2022 uitgebrachte ‘Bending The Rules’-album kon op meer dan behoorlijk wat airplay rekenen in Europa én de States (61 weken (!) in Roots Music Report’s Top 50 Blues Rock Album airplay chart in de VS) waardoor de band geboekt werd in Frankrijk, Nederland, Duitsland en Noorwegen.
Een kritische blik op het reilen en zeilen in de wereld is nu terug te vinden in ‘Lay Down Knuckle Under’, de 1ste single met Luke Alexander op gitaar en Steve Wouters achter de drums. Meteen ook de 1ste voorloper van het in 2025 geplande 3de album …
Zeg voortaan nooit meer ‘Travellin’ Blue Kings’, maar zeg gewoon Travellin’ Blue
Website: https://www.facebook.com/TravellinBlue
'Travellin' Blue'
A modified line-up, a renewed repertoire, written for the forthcoming 3rd album, which will do even more justice to the previous album title "Bending the Rules", prompted the band members to make this (minor) name change.
'Travellin' Blue Kings' is history, here's 'Travellin' Blue'
A modified line-up, a renewed repertoire, written for the forthcoming 3rd album, which will do even more justice to the previous album title "Bending the Rules", prompted the band members to make this (minor) name change.
Started late 2020 as 'full Belgian' band, Travellin' Blue Kings had a major update in autumn 2023, displaying solid letters of nobility and an impressive pedigree: Blues Lee, Last Call, The Electric Kings, The Scabs, Hideaway, Howlin' Bill, ... just to name a few.
The ‘Bending The Rules’ album, released in 2022, has been very well received and generated considerable airplay in Europe and the States (61 weeks (!) in Roots Music Report's Top 50 Blues Rock Album airplay chart in the US), resulting in the band being booked in France, the Netherlands, Germany and Norway.
A critical view of the goings-on in the world anno 2024 is reflected in 'Lay Down Knuckle Under', the 1st single featuring Luke Alexander on guitar and Steve Wouters on drums. It’s also the 1st forerunner to the 3rd album, scheduled for 2025 ...
From now on, never say 'Travellin' Blue Kings' again, but say 'Travellin' Blue'
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