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with Will Kimbrough/Neilson Hubbard
April 19/20 vinyl release

Dean has released this album on CD, only in UK, to finance his trip to the Folk Alliance Convention in Kansas City earlier this year. Kind of an unofficial in between thing. But the album is just too good to leave it at that.

Dean Owens, featuring Will Kimbrough and Neilson Hubbard – Pictures -Credits

Dean does all the lead vocals and rhythm acoustic guitars, plus some Nashville high strung guitar, whistling and backing vocals

Will plays every other stringed instrument on the record, with the exception of the violin on Dalry Cemetery, which is played by Amy Geddes. Will also plays piano on Dalry Cemetery and does backing vocals

  • Neilson plays drums, percussion, piano, organ, other incidental keyboards and does backing vocals
  • Scotty Huff played the brass parts on Boxing Shorts
  • All songs were written by Dean Owens
  • Pictures was produced by Neilson Hubbard and Dean Owens
  • Dean was recorded by Garry Boyle at Slate Room Studios in East Lothian, Scotland
  • Will and Neilson were recorded by Dylan Alldredge at Skinny Elephant in East Nashville, USA

Continental Record Services image
  • Continental Record ServicesNetherlands

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