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🕮 Boek/Book: Tim Akkerman - Van onhandelbare driftkikker tot muzikant in balans



Artist: PAT!i
Label: Red Flag Music
Release date: 23 Feb. 2024

The man behind PAT!i has toured several parts of the world as a musician and bandmember, and has been both a musician and producer for bands in various genres, from hardcore to hip-hop.

As a result, he has developed a unique sound that gives PAT!i a unique sound in the borderland between vintage hard rock and modern rock, with experimental sounds and elements from hip-hop, rock and punk.

o Scheduled single titles and release dates:
"NumbDance", 26 January 2024
"Failure", 9 February 2024
"Someone Else" (Focus track), 23 Feb. 2024

PAT!i: Vocals, guitar, synth bass, percussion

Swedish Experimental Rock Project PAT!i release its debut album, "SAHARA" on February 23rd, 2024.

The man behind PAT!i has toured several parts of the world as a musician and band-member, and has been both a musician and producer for bands in various genres, from hardcore to hip-hop.

As a result, he has developed a unique sound that gives PAT!i a unique sound in the borderland between vintage hard rock and modern rock, with experimental sounds and elements from hip-hop, rock and punk.

With symbolism and stage costumes from ancient Egypt and lyrics that address the sensitive subject of mental illness, PAT!i delivers energetic rock dating back to the early 1970s combined with hyper-modern influences and sound from the world of hip-hop.

First single and video 'NumbDance' lyrically touches on the subject of self-harm. Musically, the plaintive vocals are backed by mangling drums, hard synth bass and dry, half-distorted and repetitive guitars to explode in the choruses into a more melodic climax. A lot of harmony singing with little winks to the punk further enhances the lament.

The album contains 9 tracks, including instrumental tracks."SAHARA" is produced and mixed by PAT!i, mastered by Anonymous, released via Red Flag Music February 23rd, 2024.


  • 1. Failure - Pat!i
  • 2. Numbdance - Pat!i
  • 3. Torture - Pat!i
  • 4. Someone Else - Pat!i
  • 5. 2day - Pat!i
  • 6. Death Anxiety - Pat!i
  • 7. Wrong Soil - Pat!i
  • 8. Forbidden Love - Pat!i
  • 9. Naya - Pat!i

De man achter PAT!i heeft als muzikant en bandlid door verschillende delen van de wereld getourd en is zowel muzikant als producer geweest voor bands in diverse genres, van hardcore tot hiphop. Hierdoor heeft hij een uniek geluid ontwikkeld dat PAT!ia een uniek geluid geeft in het grensgebied tussen vintage hardrock en moderne rock, met experimentele klanken en elementen uit hiphop, rock en punk. Sahara van PAT!i , met release datum 23 februari 2024, bevat de volgende nummers: "Torture ", "2day ", "Wrong Soil ", "Naya " en meer.Deze versie van Sahara verschijnt als een 1xCD.

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