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Shane Smith & The Saints - The Greys Between

Shane Smith & The Saints - The Greys Between

Ladel: Thirty Tigers

Info about track & promotion:

  • New single from Austin TX based, Alt-Country five-piece; Shane Smith & The Saints.
  • TRACK COMMENTARY: This song is about still having your partner’s back and fighting for one another, no matter what. There’s not always an obvious answer to issues and life can be complex. At a certain point, love means accepting that it no longer matters who’s wrong or right; it’s all about finding the greys in between.
  • LIVE: 
  • VISIBILITY: The band has appeared on screen on Paramount's hit show Yellowstone, and continue to be a show and fan favourite - watch clip here
  • PRESS: Past Press includes Billboard, Paste, Rolling Stone, SPIN, The Guardian, Men's Health, CMT, American Songwriter, MusicRow, Whiskey Riff, Wide Open Country, Newsweek, The Boot, and more. 
  • “The band’s songwriting generates for the listener sweeping vistas inspired by their filmic lyrics and compelling narratives. Their sound, which has been described as part Zac Brown, part Springsteen, part Dylan and part Dropkick Murphys, with a foundation in the Texas Country red dirt scene, is a genre-bending delight” 

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