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Cassius King and the Downtown Rulers - "Last Call for the Blues"

Cassius King and the Downtown Rulers - "Last Call for the Blues"

Release Date: October 24, 2023

Every musician has a dream of making music their livelihood. But very few have the opportunity to make a living from their art. Cassius
King is no exception.

Cassius has spent the last 25 years in entertainment as an audio engineer and production manager for some of the biggest names in the business.

“Honestly, I had to make a hard choice between feed-ing my family and chasing my dream. At the end of the week, the $100 a night gig didn’t cut it.”

Cassius never gave up his dream of making his own album. “I con-tinued to write, and continued to play in my spare time knowing and having faith that someday it may be my turn.”

Credits: Bio

Keys and Vocals – Cassius King
Guitar – Chalo Ortiz
Bass – Chris White
Drums – J.R. Lozano
“If you Love Me (Like You Say)”
Written By Johnny Taylor
Copyright Cerico Music
All other songs written by:
Cassius King, Robert Chalo Ortiz, Anthony
Christopher White & Jason Russel Lozano
Lyrics by Cassius King


1. Do It All Again 3:40
2. If You Love Me 3:51
3. Feel Good Music 4:08
4. Better Man Blues 3:18
5. Last Call For The Blues 4:06

Info: https://thedowntownrulers.com/contact

Frank Roszak
KBA Recipient 2014 PUBLICIST

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