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Kaizers Orchestra - “Dine Gamle Dager Er Na”

KAIZERS ORCHESTRA - new single "Dine Gamle Dager Er Na

Yes, na ruim 10 jaar is er eindelijk weer een nieuwe song van Kaizers Orchestra!

“Dine Gamle Dager Er Na”

(”Your Good Old Days Are Now”)

Deze nieuwe song zal de ‘soundtrack’ zijn van het nieuwe Kaizers Orchestra 2.0 avontuur dat eind vorig jaar begon, met de comeback-aankondiging,

de 54 uitverkochte shows dit najaar in Noorwegen (80.000 tickets / in 14 minuten) en de internationale ambities in 2024!

“It was an especially inspiring experience composing the first track from the Kaizers Orchestra in over 10 years! Many people have asked us if we have saved Kaizer ideas throughout the years for an eventual comeback. We had not! We look at the music we make as a present-day currency. It has to do with feelings, growth and energy. To be able to make the music feel good and relevant for Kaizers Orchestra in 2023, we believe in new, inspired ideas. Janove composed “Dine Gamle Dager Er Na” early January 2023, only a week prior to the first rehearsal”.

“We wanted to make something that could be described as a classic rock anthem with Kaizers´ unique instrumentation. An incredible fun experience! Here, you will have percussionistic, open drumming, walking-stand-up-bass, riff on one guitar, monumental power chords on the other and as well as recognizable tangent riffs. It opens with our signature beat and what we call the ‘Bowie riff’ on keys before the song explodes and becomes the recognizable Kaizers Orchestra rock we all know. The arrangement is inspired by the mentioned Bowie and Queen, but also new references to The Cure, The War On Drugs, Bon Iver and a solid dose of the 80´s in general. And super producer Jorgen Traen delivered a world class sound image again.”


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