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New Single: Picidae - "I Saw Her Mum With A Cherry Blossom"

PICIDAE:  "I Saw Her Mum With A Cherry Blossom", van het nieuwe album: "A Stray Labyrinth" (28-4-2023)

Het Noorse ‘stripped down jazz, mystical folk & atmospheric indie pop’ duo Picidae laat 7 jaar na hun debuut-album “It’s Another Wor d” eindelijk weer eens van zich horen. Met Sigrun Tara Overland als zangeres en op lier, autoharp en gitaar, en Eirik Dorsdal op trompet en ook kalimba, synths en achtergrondzang, toont Picidae zich nog steeds als een prachtig ingetogen duo, met een gevoelige, melancholische, dromerige en breekbare sound.

Contrabassist Jo Berger Myhre vult als gast-muzikant op een aantal songs wat gaatjes fraai in en op de track “A Stray Labyrinth” wordt zelfs samengewerkt met het meest noordelijke symphonische orkest: The Arctic Philharmonic.

Op 28 april verschijnt het album: “A Stray Labyrinth”


1 Here We Go Again 4:18
2 Crystal Rosa 2:46
3 A Softer Fall 3:10
4 Mhairi 3:47
5 Storm 3:09
6 Iseeyou 4:03
7 A Stray Labyrinth 4:41
8 Slow Growth 3:26
9 Merlin 3:09
10 Monstrophy 3:27
11 I Saw Her Mum With A Cherry Blossom 3:26
12 Back To The Savannah 3:49

Picidae is a stripped down jazz, mystical folk & atmospheric indie pop duo which delivers lowkey magical tones. The duo consists of Sigrun Tara Overland on vocals, lyre, autoharp and guitars, and Eirik Dorsdal on trumpet, electronics, kalimba and vocals. Picidae’s distinctive character can be found in the special sound combinations: the original instrument lyre and other stringed instruments are combined with a trumpet that is taken apart and put back together in unexpected ways, as well as synths and other electronics. Picidae works within a style of music that draws inspiration from both jazz and singer-songwriter, but the music has also elements of pop and folk/world. Picidae have played concerts in Norway, Sweden and Italy in often unique places such as mausoleums, old factories and bunkers, as well as galleries, churches, festivals and clubs. The duo has also already been on four Japan tours.


On their second album “A Stray Labyrinth” they´ve really played in on their oriental inspirations. Picidae has always been a stripped down duo, but on this record they've included a special guest ‘star’ musician: Jo Berger Myhre; who had full artistic freedom, when adding double bass to some of the songs. Maybe most artists dream of playing with a symphonic orchestra, and on this album Picidae finally got their turn! Eirik Dorsdal made an absolutely beautiful arrangement of the title tune "A Stray Labyrinth", and on this album this song was performed by the duo and worlds' most northern symphonic orchestra: The Arctic Philharmonic.


All in all the wait is over. Seven years after their debut-album “It’s Another Wor d” (which got praise like: “fascinating epic songs”, “pregnant melodies and elaborate arrangements in a musical landscape that draws inspiration from jazz, pop and renaissance music”, “a musical magic hour”, “atmospheric songs”, “warm, rich harmonies with lyrical, complex melodies that evoked associations with artists such as Lex Land and Susanne Sundfor”, “a symphonic, waking dream”, “calming, almost immobile songs”, “music which takes you up in to the higher, mental strate of air” and “confident, mature and sonorously original“), Picidae is back with new songs. “A Stray Labyrinth” is another beautiful poetic album from the Norwegian duo Picidae!

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