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🕮 Boek/Book: Tim Akkerman - Van onhandelbare driftkikker tot muzikant in balans

New album "Known To Be Unknown" by MICKELSON

MICKELSON - Known To Be Unknown 

  • LABEL: Independent
  • DISTRIBUTED BY: Independent
  • RELEASE DATE: April 15th, 2022
  • FORMAT: Digital | CD
  • FILED UNDER: Folk | Rock | Alternative

We currently starting up a promotion and publicity campaign for the new release Known To Be Unknown by MICKELSON that will be due on Friday April 15th 2022.

Known To Be Unknown was written and recorded while in lockdown. Mickelson performs all the instruments with the exception of drums, cello, and horns. â€œIt was depressing having to cancel my tours in support of Drowning In An Inflatable Pool (2020). Everyone suffered in the lockdown. Then I heard the McCartney III album I told myself to stop whining and get busy again. I soon wrote and recorded the song Go To Bed Hungry and never stopped.” 

Once again Mickelson focuses on cultural and political issues in the U.S. Most notably is the opening track UNarmed American which deals with the epidemic of gun violence and the lack of political will to x it. “I knew other folks shared my view so I invited ten other local artists to add their voices. I was really happy with the track and I decided to also make a video.” Mickelson explains, â€œWhile touring, I began playing Unarmed American solo. It was really well received so I recorded it again as the closing track.” In A Murder Of Crows Mickelson writes about the heavily divided responses to Covid. He feels the U.S. has been reduced to two opinions. One is based on science, the other based on misinformation.

Because we’re giving up our freedom
For temporary safety
A conspiracy of ravens
We’re a murder of crows”

In the song Ithaca, Mickelson describes an encounter in a very liberal town where he made a comment that triggered an unpleasant response. â€œI made the mistake of assuming I was with like-minded people and opened my big mouth. I won’t do that again…” Ithaca also turns into an extended, rocking, jam which is a highlight of the record.

Known To Be Unknown also includes an instrumental called Chicago Transit Authority. Mickelson explains, â€œI said to my daughter that I think my new record is done. She asked which song had horns on it and I realized there weren’t any. All of my records include horns. I love working with horn players, so I wrote it. The title is a nod to the ďŹrst album by the band Chicago which is a classic. This is also the rst time I wrote the horn arrangements with actual charts.” Regarding the album cover, Mickelson says, “Sometimes my lyrics kick up a hornet’s nest.” As far as the album title goes, â€œI’ve been recording my songs since the 1970s. I’ve never had a big hit but I just keep going. Looks like I’m gonna die trying.”

Mickelson has appeared in numerous media outlets including NPR Radio, Hufngton Post, CBS Morning Show, No Depression, Glide, Paste, Pop Matters, Alternative Press, etc. He also gained national recognition after winning a band search by MTV/7-Up and a prize of $15,000.

Recensie / Reviews

“The combination of the layered vocals and instrumental textures, along with a tune that feels immediately familiar, is that ‘UNarmed American’ becomes anthemic.” â€“ Americana U.K.

“Mickelson unveils his most politically charged work to date with Drowning In An Inflatable Pool. It’s an album rooted in a collective frustration about the mismanagement of our country by this current White House administration.” â€“ American Songwriter (USA)

“This music is the balance between strong, subtle, unexpected, and sophisticated.” â€“ Paste Magazine (USA)

“Drowning in an Inflatable Pool combines an anxious energy with alluring melodies to create a remarkable musical experience”. â€“ Twangville (USA)

“I call it anthemic when a band or chorus hits all the notes just right and the sound becomes bigger than it should be and Mickelson hits it often enough on this album to make it worthy of the highest of recommendations.” â€“ No Depression (USA)

“It’s American folk-Rock with a post-punk edge, rustic but scarred.” â€“ Alternative Press Magazine (USA)

“Flickering, a buoyant composition showcasing that Mickelson offers undeniable musical charm and instrumental dexterity.” â€“ Glide Magazine

“Met een stem als David Bowie weet hij ook songs te maken die de poprock periode van Bowie met wat Springsteen doet herleven.” – mPodia (NL)

“Rock en folk begeesterde songs, wat bluegrass en zelfs wat Iers getinte tunes… Knap!” – Keys and Chords (BE)

“Weil Mickelson hier genauso nachdrĂźcklich croont wie David Bowie‘s Thin White Duke ist er musikalisch nun gänzlich auf seine Americana-Roots verzichtet und stattdessen mit ganz ureigenen Arrangements und Instrumentierungs-Ideen vollkommen freistilig agiert.” â€“ Gaesteliste (DE)

“Drowning In An Inflatable Pool” stellt Mickelson aus meiner Sicht auf die nächste Stufe. Vor “A Wondrous Life” als unbekannter KĂźnstler gehandelt, schafft er es durch “Drowning In And Inflamable Pool” in den Status eines großartigen Insiders. Bestimmt wird er seinen Fan-Kreis in unseren Breitengraden erweitern.” – RockTimes (DE)

Website: http://www.mickelsonmusic.com/ 

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