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🕮 Boek/Book: Tim Akkerman - Van onhandelbare driftkikker tot muzikant in balans

Give a warm welcome to a new Suburban family member

Mayleaf signed at Suburban Records!


We're happy to announce that Mayleaf signed at Suburban Records for upcoming releases 🔥

MAYLEAF is an alternative grunge/rock band that vibes on huge sounding fuzz & 90’s tunes. Poppy sounds that emerge from low rumbling telecasters, kicking out jams straight from the garage. The rehearsal space is drenched in inspirational bands such as Weezer, Turnstile, King Gizzard, Culture Abuse & Bayside. Mayleaf already released some great tunes like 'This Is Goodbye', 'Burn' and 'Found You Out'. Don't forget to listen to those fuzzy tunes on your streaming service! Click on the social buttons below to check them out! 

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