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🕮 Boek/Book: Tim Akkerman - Van onhandelbare driftkikker tot muzikant in balans



Genre: NDH (Neue Deutsche Härte)
Format: Digipak, Ltd. Boxset + Digital
Release Date: 10th December 2021
Label: AFM Marketing Distribution: Suburban / Bertus
 Promotion: The Rock Online

Band Line-Up

Martin ”Mart” Soer (Vocals & Programmings), Mario Sobotka (Guitars), Eugene „Gene“ Getman (Bass), Dimitrios “Tacki“
Gatsios (Drums)

Great events are often foreshadowed: Following their 2020 lead track ‘Sünder’, supported by an atmospherically sinister lyric video, and the current lead single ‘Gottmaschine’ in May 2021 (also supported by a spectacular clip) – both releases highly popular on the Internet for weeks –, Göttingen’s NDH act Stahlmann is set to announce the release of its latest album QUARZ. Band members Mart (vocals, programming), Mario (guitar), Emu (bass) and Tacki (drums) have recorded ten new songs, and to tide their fans over until the arrival of the full album, Stahlmann will unleash ‘Krähen der Nacht’ (Crows of the Night), another new song including video, on 13 August 2021. From that day, it will also be possible to place advance orders for the new album. “Our fans may look forward to a thoroughly accomplished release with every NDH fan getting their money`s worth,” promises frontman Mart.

QUARZ was produced by Martin Soer and mixed and mastered by renowned sound engineer Frank Gryner (Rob Zombie, Andrew W.K., A Perfect Circle) at his God Complex production studio in Ontario, Canada. Referring to the stylistic direction of Stahlmann’s latest offering, Mart has already revealed: “We’ve deliberately returned to our roots this time to revive the old-school NDH directives of our first three albums. Naturally, these influences have been combined with current, contemporary ideas. The result is a balanced, well-rounded album, catchy but still with all the raw edges Stahlmann is known for.

CD or DVD: (00:33:26)
CD1 01 - Wollust | CD1 02 - SĂźnder | CD1 03 - Krähen der Nacht | CD1 04 - Gottmaschine | CD1 05 - Sonnenreich | CD1 06 - Gegen Den Strom | CD1 07 - Herz und Tränen | CD1 08 - Der Sturm | CD1 09 - Tobsucht | CD1 10 - Willst Du |

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