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Amongster - A New Arrival - Acoutstic EP

Amongster - A New Arrival - Acoutstic EP
V2 Records

Release date: Friday, November 27th 2020

After releasing his latest album 'A New Arrival' in March 2019, Amongster reworked some songs to an acoustic version and bundled them in an EP. On top of that he added his brand new single 'Prison Ship' that came out on October 30th. The acoustic EP will be released November 27th on all digital streaming platforms.

New single Prison Ship talks about the desire to see the world through children's eyes again. To see everything as new, free from all the concepts that we take on board as we grow up. Children notice things in we don't in the most ordinary context, which is interesting and surprisingly funny. The song honors their fantasy, the carelessness, the absence of adult concepts like usefulness or meaning in their world. It's no coincidence that the song sounds light, open and playful.

Thomas Oosterlynck about his new EP: “Once an album is recorded, the balanced arrangements of each songs have been carefully sculptured until they have hardened in their final form. Sometimes they were built up from a simple acoustic version, a few strums on a guitar and a vocal, or sometimes they grew out of a digital recording of multiple sound devices. In any case it is an interesting exercise to undress the songs again after they have been recorded and played live in a full setup. In this first acoustic EP, Thomas takes four tracks of the album A New Arrival back to their primal form. Some are simply stripped down to guitar and vocals, others will hardly be recognizable from their studio version, especially when a soft subtle piano intervention or the sound of the wind that blows through giant beeches makes its new entrance in the song.”


1. Amongster - Leaving Our Arms03:06
2. Amongster - Honesty03:09
3. Amongster - Be Someone03:14
4. Amongster - Soft Sermon02:53
5. Amongster - Prison Ship02:56



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