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🕮 Boek/Book: Tim Akkerman - Van onhandelbare driftkikker tot muzikant in balans

Release: Thoughts Factory - Elements

Thoughts Factory - ElementsRelease: 24 January 2020 (Melodic Revolution Records)

Elements is the latest release of the German prog-metal
band Thoughts Factory. More than 5 years after their
debut 'Lost' the 5 musicians around mastermind Sven
Schornstein (keys/production) strike a new path for
themselves by merging classic progressive, post and indie
rock influences into a modern and occasionally symphonic
metal album. Their new singer Cornelius Wurth convinces
with a powerful yet still clear performance.

The 10 songs take the listener on a musical journey
through the elements of humankind's coexistence and the
obstacles of affection. These are represented by the
emotional stages of a growing young man, who has to deal
with life and death, love and hate, hope and depression.
It's a plea for more sustainability relating to the political
and ecological challenges we'll be facing in the near future

1. Mind Odyssey
2. The Burden
3. Frozen Planet
4. Fire Away
5. Nightfall
6. The Shores Of Sand
And Time
7. Dawn Pt. 1
8. Dawn Pt. 2
9. Our Kingdom
10. Elements

Website http://www.thoughtsfactory.com
More Information: www.sjerruf.nl | bas@sjerruf.nl

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