Billy Walton Band (USA)
Zondag 17 November - Billy Walton Band (USA)Reserveren kan vanaf nu info @ nixenmeer.nlVOORVERKOOP IS GESTART: reserveer nu alvast....
Zaal open 15.00 uur Aanvang 15.30 uur
Entree € 15,-
De shows gaan plaatsvinden bij
Mystiek Theater
Spinnerij Oosterveld
Rigtersbleek Zandvoort 107521 BE Enschede
Since the age of 15, Walton has plied his craft in the Asbury Park/New Jersey shore music scene &endash; most notably as the guitarist/vocalist for Boccigalupe & the Bad Boys which features Tony Amato a veteran of the Asbury scene since the 70s (the nickname & hellip; Boccigalupe was actually given to him by Bruce Springsteen & Little Steven Van Zandt). During his time with Boccigalupe, Walton has played countless gigs in both the United States and Europe and sat in with numerous of rock luminaries including Springsteen, Gary US Bonds and Stevie Ray's backing band, Double Trouble.
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