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šŸ•® Boek/Book: Tim Akkerman - Van onhandelbare driftkikker tot muzikant in balans

Tanzwut - Seemannsgarn Juni 2019


Tanzwut - Seemannsgarn

AFM / Suburban / Bertus

Genre: Medieval Rock
Format: Digipak, Vinyl
Release Date: 7th of June  2019
label : AFM
 Marketing / Distribution : Suburban / Bertus
Producer: Tim Eckhorst

With their new album, TANZWUT spins fantastic stories out of delicately woven ā€žSeemannsgarnā€œ (sailorā€™s yarn). An exciting
journey into the world of fantasy, poets, musicians, artists and puppeteers. Teufel and his band carry off into a world of fiction
and reality and provides a vibrant setting for all the different shades of the told stories.
There is nothing more exciting than minstrels, musicians, jugglers or seafarers meeting in a shady bar and telling stories you
want to listen to over and over again. That is why TANZWUT pulls all stops: Hard guitar riffs meet the heavy sound of
bagpipes. Their songs tell stories about inconvenient truths, human abysms, passion and the desire for love as well as the
human greed that hasnā€™t changed for thousands of years.
Twenty years after their first release TANZWUT goes on thrilling the German speaking musical landscape and present their
most mature album so far. From the beginning, the band, influencing the whole medieval music for years, stands for an
impressive sound with heavy guitars and bagpipes on stage. Teamed with slightly electronic impacts, TANZWUT is a
versatile band having its home not only on medieval markets but also in the European clubs and big festival stages.

Within the last two and a half years there have come about thirteen new songs: With ā€žSeemannsgarnā€œ TANZWUT presents a
wide musical diversity, drawing the line between soft ballads and heavy German Rock songs. The influence of Folk and
medieval music still creates the nostalgic feeling of the old days when TANZWUT started their journey on the road.
The band created a wide-rand work around their whole creation:
Whereas ā€žSeemannsgarnā€œ directly ties up to the slightly haunted mood of the devilā€™s contract from ā€žSchreib es mit Blutā€œ,
TANZWUT surprises with ā€žGalgenvƶgelā€œ: Harsh metal riffs create a menacing atmosphere, the dark voice of Teufel rolls
thundering across the storm of guitars and drums. It is a wide gap filled up with smooth and delicate song like the ballad ā€žIch
bin der Nachtwindā€œ with its soft guitar picking. Instruments like cister, nyckelharpa and bandoneon are spin around the story of
poet Francois Villon who met the devil in persona right in a small street in Paris. The ā€žPuppenspielerā€œ is a rock anthem about
the third dimension of TANZWUT ā€“ the marionette game.
Last, the guest singer really fits the new concept of TANZWUT pretty well: KƄRBHOLZ features the band on their song ā€žGib
mir noch ein Glasā€œ ā€“ an anthem about life, friendship and long nights.
With such a high hit potential and so many different impressions TANZWUT sets up for a new album with the chance to
challenge the sceneā€™s foundation. On Wave Gotik Festival there will be an exclusive Release Party in Dark flower in Leipzig
on 8th of June.
ā€žSeemannsgarnā€œ will be released on 7th of June. This summer, TANZWUT is going to present the album on diverse festival
shows like Wacken Open Air, before the band hits the road in autumn 2019 for their ā€žSeemannsgarnā€œ tournee. The tour
supports are Harpyie and Null Posit

Teufel (Vocals), RenĆ© (Guitar), Der Zwilling (Bass), Shumon ā€žZackā€œ (Drums), Pyro (Bagpipe), Bruder Schlaf (Bagpipe),
Alexius (Keyboard, Percussion)


A 01 - Seemannsgarn | A 02 - Galgenvƶgel | A 03 - Reden Ist Silber | A 04 - Die Letzte Schlacht | B 05 - Schwarzes Gold | B
06 - Ich Bin Der Nachtwind | B 07 - Der Puppenspieler | B 08 - Francois Villon | C 09 - Das Gewissen | C 10 - Schmiede Das
Eisen | C 11 - Gib Mir Noch Ein Glas | C 12 - Im Freien Fall | D 13 - Herrenlos Und Frei | D 14 - Gib Mir Noch Ein Glas (feat.
KƤrbholz) |

voor Meer Info: / theo@therockonline.nl

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