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Rockin' Johnny en Quiqué Gomez - Dos Hombres Wanted

Dos-Hombres-Wanted-COVER-SmallRockin' Johnny en Quiqué Gomez - Dos Hombres Wanted

WANTED! Guitarist and singer ROCKIN' JOHNNY BURGIN hangs his fedora in the Frisco Bay, and harpman and singer QUIQUÉ GOMEZ hails from Madrid, Spain. Together and separately they have ridden many a dusty trail with some of the last of the great Chicago bluesmen.
Today they are the feared gunslingers of the international blues scene, In the winter of 2018 they partnered up, galloped through the Western Territories, and took dead aim on twelve originals and two blues classics.
Rockin’ Johnny Burgin and Quiqué Gomez are both internationally acclaimed as world class bluesmen — Burgin has a storied history on Chicago’s Delmark Records, and Gomez is a versatile jazz-influenced blues singer who also sings Frank Sinatra songs with a Spanish Big Band. They are currently on tour in support of their first collaborative album, hopefully the first of many.