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Blues Magazine Radio 140 I Album Tip: John Mayall – Nobody Told Me

Blues Magazine Radio 140 I Album Tip: John Mayall – Nobody Told Me

Also in this mix new songs and releases from: Jessy Martens & Band, Bjørn Berge, Mavis Staples, Dry Riverbed Trio, Benny Turner And Cash McCall, Paul Nelson, Tinsley Ellis, The Homemade Jamz Blues Band, Altered Five Blues Band, Gaetano Letizia, Wicked Rumble, Rick de Leeuw, The Rude Move, Bernie Marsden, Paul Black, The 44’s, Todd Wolfe, Nimmo Brothers, Henrik Freischlader Band.
Samenstelling: Harry Radstake for Bluesmagazine.nl

01 Jessy Martens & Band Touch My Blues Away Touch My Blues Away Live (2015) Jayfish Records 0:00
02 Bjørn Berge Ginger Brandy Wine Who Else (2019) Blue Mood 09:22
03 Mavis Staples Love And Trust Live in London (2019) ANTI- 13:01
04 Dry Riverbed Trio Guilty Soul Chained And Bound (2019) Dox Records 17:38
05 John Mayall What Have I Done Wrong (feat. Joe Bonamassa) Nobody Told Me (2019) Forty Below Records 21:42