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🕮 Boek/Book: Tim Akkerman - Van onhandelbare driftkikker tot muzikant in balans

RUV present New first EP in Metropool Hengelo

RUVRUV present New first EP in Metropool Hengelo
With bared teeth RUV chases the skinny Gary Moore, the sober Bonham and the brisk Cobain into their time machine, right back to the present.
RUV is a blues rock trio that draws its inspiration from the guitar violence of the second half of the last century.
With bared teeth RUV chases the skinny Gary Moore, the sober Bonham and the brisk Cobain into their time machine, right back to the present.
Like hungry wolves they surround you with howling guitars, a growling bass and mesmerizing drums. Then they grab you for a portion of genuine modern blues rock in the line of Jack White and his Raconteurs.

Europe knows no boundaries for the pack called RUV. This still endemic species has the strong territorial instinct directed to face the entire continent.