A man of many talents, Wainwright is a composer, producer, vocalist, piano player and award-wining entertainer. A long-standing leader of the boogie-woogie pack, he could refer you to his Blues Music Award and Blues Blast trophies, or a catalogue that has repeatedly hijacked the Billboard Top 10. But rather than dine out on past glories, this questing artist would rather you joined him for the ride ahead. “Of course, I still have songs on this album that are just about kicking butt and taking names, like The Train,” he laughs. “But if you listen to the lyrics, what I’m really saying is, we got to get on the train and move forward together…”
A hilarious video for the sly new track, “Money” from Victor Wainwright’s hot new album on Ruf Records,
“Victor Wainwright and The Train.”
Story & Music by Victor Wainwright
Directed by Victor Wainwright & Dave Gross
Music Produced by Victor Wainwright & Dave Gross
Cinematography & Editing by Dave Gross
Lead Cast:
Greg Gumpel – Crim Crum, Mugger
Terrence Grayson – IRS Agent, Preacher, As Himself
Victor Wainwright – As Himself
Supporting Cast:
Pat Harrington – Guitarist
Billy Dean – Drummer
Dave Gross – Mugger #2 in car
MiC Wilson – Studio Engineer and Church Member
CK Harrington – Uncle Sam, Studio and Church Member
Kelly Gumpel – Mrs. Crum
Liza Gumpel – Baby Crum
Nick Black – Church Member
Lydia Biernat – Church Member
Riley – As Himself
For more information: