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🕮 Boek/Book: Tim Akkerman - Van onhandelbare driftkikker tot muzikant in balans

Blues Magazine Radio 67 – Non-Stop Mix, full with new blues music !

Featured Album: 7 Miles To Pittsburgh – “7 Miles To Pittsburgh” (2017)

Also in this mix new songs and releases from: Willie Dixon, Matt Andersen, Albert King, Jeremiah Johnson, Joe Louis Walker, Left Lane Cruiser, Luther Dickinson, John McNamara, Coco Montoya, Dave Hunt, Mojo Machine, Flo Bauer Blues Project, Layla Zoe, Chris Duarte Group, Larry Miller, Muskee.
01 Willie Dixon I Can’t Quit You Baby I Am The Blues (1993)
02 Matt Andersen Ain’t No Sunshine Solo A t Sessions (2005)
03 7 Miles To Pittsburgh Same Size 7 Miles To Pittsburgh (2017)
 04 Albert King The Sky Is Crying Stax Classics (2017)
 05 Jeremiah Johnson Black Lingerie Grind (2014)
Complete tracklist is HIER te lezen en te beluisteren
Samenstelling Harry Radstake.