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News: Bluesrock festival 2021


Helaas heeft Beaux Gris Gris & The Apocalypse hun hele Europese tournee voor september moeten annuleren, en daarmee dus ook het geplande optreden in Tegelen......

It’s with a heavy heart that we are forced to cancel our forthcoming SEPTEMBER 2021 UK/EURO Tour. Although all our band members are all double vaccinated, the UK has not lifted the quarantine requirements for US travelers and the United States CDC has recommended against all travel to the UK because of increased Covid numbers and the Delta variant. We also do not yet know what restrictions European countries will have, and the decisions will not be made until shortly before our scheduled departure. On top of that we would have to be tested a number of times per band member, and if we were to receive a positive test within the band (which can happen even if you are vaccinated) we would all then be subject to quarantine, stranded, and the costs would be astronomical. We think in fairness to all the venues, our band members, and ticket holders we have to make this decision now as we don’t want this to all happen last minute and cause more costs and frustrations.


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